"From the Heart of America
the Legend continues"

King of Hearts' Herd
King of Hearts is a 3 year old bull that has earned the right to be a featured bull here at Heartland Bison Ranch. King was the 2nd place overall Young Guns Bull in the 2019 Competition and comes from Bison Spirit Ranch. The sire to King is known as Diesel and is considered to be one of the top breeding bulls in the entire bison industry today. With excellent gain ability both on grass and grain, King of Hearts is a bull we feel will add another level of quality to our operation. His first calf crop hit the ground in 2020 and we are excited to see the results this fall when we wean.
The select group of cows running with King of Hearts are hand chosen from our ranch raised cows to compliment his body structure. We are excited to watch this young herd produce as we work to establish a new breeding line we are calling the kingmaker line.